IOT – Pick (Put) to Light System

Pick to Light and Put to Light architectures are known to achieve superior productivity. The Fairfax – Pick To Light-System brings new dynamic to Shipping. This paperless method of searching, sorting and assembling has proven to be highly efficient and significantly faster on top of it – with Fair Fax PTL you obtain a 4- to 5- fold higher product output with the same manpower.

The functionality is as simple as:

  • Once the Good receipt purchase order posted in SAP, a notification goes to handheld terminal for picking request
  • Based on the request, the warehouse person will pick the material and go for put away. Displays at the shelves show the relevant information and confirm the picked quantity with an acknowledgment key.
  • There is a functionality in handheld terminal through which the user can track warehouse specific location
  • Once the track location is executed, the Pick to light (PTL) gets illuminated. And the warehouse operator place the material to the specific rack and scans the location.
  • Once the scanning is done the entire light gets off and the operation is completed and stored automatically in SAP.


  1. Increase productivity
  2. Improve order accuracy
  3. Lower labor and training costs
  4. Reduced search time
  5. Less picking errors
  6. Real-time data in the system through direct response over the scanner
  7. Total overview of the picking list
  8. Go paperless
  9. Highly efficient